Episode Summary
As occupational therapists, we are faced with many responsibilities in life, including both professional and personal ones, and sometimes maintaining a balance can be quite a struggle. This is something that we help our clients and educate others with, but often times we find ourselves as therapists also struggling to maintain a healthy balance within life. In today’s episode, Brynne Terry, MA, OTL/R from Be Well Balance joins us to share some strategies on how we can live well and have a balance between our responsibilities and our occupations.
Show Notes
Sarah and Brynne discuss:
- Her current role as a OTD student
- Stressful time periods for students and practitioners
- How to define wellness
- How stress impacts a person’s life
- Implementing strategies before getting stressed to maximize effectiveness
- Engaging in occupations to alleviate stress i.e. painting with watercolors, walks, being in nature
- Picking one thing to focus on, rather than a bunch of different tasks that add to your to-do list
- Keystone habits
- Strategies to manage stress
- Mindful meditation
- Finding pockets to implement strategies
- “You can do anything, but not everything”
- The power of saying no
- Removing sorry for your vocabulary and asserting your communication
- Tips for staying organized
- Time Tracker: https://www.bewellbalance.com/timemanagement
- How the time of day impacts productivity/ motivation
- Prioritizing yourself
Contact Brynne:
Email: brynne.terry@gmail.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bewellbalance/
Website: https://www.bewellbalance.com/