What’s the story behind my name?
Yesterday, my good friend and EI soul sister Marvelous Mirracles posted about the why behind her name. I was so inspired by her post that I decided that I too should let you in on why I choose OT 4 Lyfe as my name.
Any ideas why?
The impetus all started back when I was a recent OT graduate and was attending a continuing education course with a few of my colleagues. At one point, the speaker went off about how amazing occupational therapy is and my fabulous colleague @donnaadout stood up and shouted OT 4 Lyfe!!!
The crowd immediately began cheering and high fiving each other as this comment really resonated with everyone. After that day, OT 4 Lyfe became a typical greeting or send off whenever my colleagues got together i.e: “Have a great evening, OT 4 Lyfe!”. It quickly became part of our lexicon and a phrase that frequented our conversations.
So when it came time for me to choose a name for my podcast and website, OT 4 Lyfe was one of the first ones that came to mind. It didn’t immediately stick, but upon reflection, I knew it was the one.
But it wasn’t just this story that made the name.
The more I thought about it, I realized how much OT has shaped my lyfe. How it has become my lyfe’s work. How it is lyfe!
For me and for so many other OT practitioners, OT is lyfe. It brings us purpose and meaning. It fulfills our passion. It allows us to give back to the world in a meaningful way. It allows us a small part in making the world a better place.
Not only does it provide meaning for our lives as practitioners, but we also impact the lives of our clients and their families. Almost everything we do within our lives, is rooted in occupation and thus occupational therapy.
For us, occupational therapy is more than just a job. OT is 4 Lyfe!!
If you want to hear even more about my why, check out episode 37 titled “The Why of OT 4 Lyfe”.
Now I want to hear from you. Do you have a special meaning behind your name? Chime in your thoughts in the comments.