Name: Sarah Lyon, OTR/L
Location: Aurora, NE
Practice Area: OT Entrepreneur
Favorite Occupation: Gardening
How often do you engage in your favorite occupation?
“At least bi-weekly during the gardening season.”
What do you get out of it?
“Myself and several friends founded a community garden in partnership with our local hospital. The project means so much to me personally. Through gardening, I get to de-stress, while growing yummy vegetables for my family. We also donate a significant portion of what we grow to our local food pantry, so I get to give back to my dear community. And finally, the garden is group production style, meaning we grow everything together so I also get to form am awesome community with fellow gardeners each summer!”
What does it mean to your lyfe?
“Whoops! I answered both questions in the previous paragraph!”
Gardening is one of my favorite occupations too. I love growing veggies and pretty flowers, especially milkweeds that attract monarch butterflies. What your favorite plant to grow?