Name: Taejun “TJ” Lee, COTA/L
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Practice Area: Pediatrics/ School-Based
Favorite Occupation: Adaptive Athlete
How often do you engage in your favorite occupation?
“2-3x a year”
What do you get out of it?
“Inspiration, sets physical goals, and reason to be in the gym to explore my weaknesses and the freedom of movement.”
What does it mean to your lyfe?
“I get the freedom of movement, strength, and a sense of accomplishment. For others I have been told that I inspire them which makes me happy I get to while just being myself.”
TJ does all sorts of events from Red Bull 400s to Spartan races. I have run a few marathons and a did Gladiator Mud Run a few years back. What athletic event have you done?