Megan Collins, OTR

Name: Megan Collins, OTR

Location: Alabama

Practice Area: New grad

Favorite Occupation: Playing soccer

How often do you engage in your favorite occupation?

“I’ve been a soccer player all throughout my life. I played rec, club, division one in college, and at the semi-pro level. Nowadays, I play whenever I have time. I recently was in an adult league during my level II rotation to make friends in the state I was in since I was far from home.”

What do you get out of it?

“Clarity of mind! Soccer is definitely a social sport and has been a platform in which I have been in able to make friends. Soccer has been been my outlet in which I can forget about issues I might be having in home, school, and work. And most importantly, I get enjoyment out of participating in this occupation!”

What does it mean to your lyfe?

“This sport has always and will always be a part of me. It has shaped me positively in so many ways: discipline, teamwork, patience, social skills, dedication, commitment. These are all skills that I believe I can utilize in my occupational therapy practice. I’m grateful for all of the life lessons this occupation taught me and look forward to continue participating in it as long as I’m able to.”

I grew up playing soccer and still to this day love it. What sport did you grow up playing

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