Name: Alondra La OT, OTR/L
Location: Northern California
Practice Area: Hippotherapy
Favorite Occupation: Listening to music.
How often do you engage in your favorite occupation?
“I CANNOT go a day without listening to music.”
What do you get out of it?
“Music helps me whether I’m in a good or not so good mood. Music speaks to my soul, and the range of music I listen to allows for that.”
What does it mean to your lyfe?
“For me, music is meditative, relaxing and universal. Music creates the soundtrack and stories of my life. In the pictures selected, I can tell you where I was and the type of music playing in the background.”
Yep, I love music too and almost always have a song going on in my head. I love all types of music from pop to hip hop, country to reggaeton. I’ve been on a boy band kick the past few days which has fueled me through all of my work. What’s been on your playlist recently?