Meghan Fox, OTR/L

Name: Meghan Fox, OTR/L

Location: Southern California

Practice Area: School Based

Favorite Occupation: Sewing

How often do you engage in your favorite occupation?

“I used to have a lot more time for this occupation (before kids). I would previously engage in it several times a week. Projects I like to work on are typically large scale so I need enough time to get certain portions completed but at this stage of life I don’t sew as often as I would like. I look forward to picking it back up again soon!”

What do you get out of it?

“I get love, joy, and fulfillment out of sewing. The process of selecting a pattern, figuring out what fabrics go together, the process of cutting and laying out the pieces and pushing the fabric through the machine with every stitch is a labor of love. I typically give the things I make (usually quilts, occasionally clothes) as gifts so I have a specific person in mind as I’m creating each masterpiece so seeing the “WOW” when people receive the finished piece really fills my bucket. I’m pretty goal-oriented too, so seeing something through from A-Z is highly motivating for me.”

What does it mean to your lyfe?

“Sewing means everything to me! It’s special because about 9 years ago, my grandmother had a big health scare. I booked a last minute flight over my spring break for a surprise visit to see her. Sewing has always been her passion and she spent the whole week teaching me everything about it. Sewing is a treasured bond I share with my grandma. Something no one can take from me, and something I will always thank her for and remember her by each time I sit down behind my machine.”

Alright, these words are just absolutely beautiful and definitely brought a tear to my eyes. This occupation is so much more than just sewing fabric together. It is about connection, people, family, support, accomplishment, and remembrance. My mother is a big sewer and unfortunately I never really learned the skill, but maybe I will change that. Who else sews? What’s been your favorite project?

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