Any idea what it is?
For a few years now, I’ve been choosing a word to live by each year.
And honestly, 2020 was such a weird year that I actually ended up forgetting what my word was altogether.
But over the past few weeks I have been struggling to figure out what my new 2021 word would be. I came up with some good ones, but nothing seemed to be “The Word”. Until I was listening to a podcast after Christmas and it finally came to me.
My word for 2021 is CREATE.
I want to create more connection, inspiration, and community for OT 4 Lyfe.
I want to create more early intervention resources with my EI OT besties over at The Real OTs of Early Intervention.
I want to create more valuable conversations about relevant topics in OT with Occupied Podcast and Incorporate Mindfulness on The OT Roundtable podcast.
I want to create more mentorship opportunities in my early intervention practice and hopefully bring on more employees.
I want to create time to focus on my health and self-care because we all know how important this is.
I want to create space in my life to try new occupations or to get back into some familiar ones that I have been neglecting (i.e: I used to ride horses everyday and haven’t been able to for years so hopefully I can get back into that).
And most importantly, I want to create my best lyfe and live it to my fullest potential.
I’ve let a lot of things slide over the past few months because of the pandemic and moving and all the stress that has been going on because of this.
But it’s time to shift my priorities. I’m not one to set NY resolutions, mainly because I never stick to them.
But I am all about choosing a word and then living everyday to fulfill that world. So for the next year, I’m gonna be all about creating. Creating the lyfe I want to be living.
Do you choose a word for each year? If so, what’s your word for 2021? How do you plan to fulfill your word each and every day?