Kate Tudor, OT

Name: Kate Tudor, OT

Location: West Midlands, UK

Practice Area: Early intervention in psychosis

What does OT mean to your lyfe?

At a time when I was floundering, unsure what to do with my life, I discovered OT and it gave me a career in which I could use both my scientific brain and my creative interests, and get to make a positive difference in people’s lives

What’s your most memorable moment as an OT practitioner?

During a kitchen assessment, I pointed out that the lady had not put any teabags into her teapot and was noting down probable cognitive impairments, only to be laughed at and told she was warming the pot.

What lights you up about occupational therapy?

When I’m exploring with someone how and why they do things and we touch on something which their passion for totally animates them in conversation. And then we get to work out how to go and do that thing together.

What’s your biggest challenge in regards to OT right now?

Covid is having a huge effect on the things we can get out and do with people. Other than covid, in mental health a lot of the work is not OT specific and it can be hard to stay true to the profession and not to let work drift away from being occupationally focused.

What’s one piece of advice you would share with current OT/OTA students or practitioners?

To try and truly see the person you’re working with, in their context, and to listen to what they are communicating to you. Because empathy and understanding are the best basis for a therapeutic relationship.

Where can people connect with you?

Twitter: @OT_KateT
Instagram: @OT_KateT
OT Podcast Club: @OTPodcastClub

Hear more from Kate in her Lyfer of the Month feature: ot4lyfe.com/89

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