Episode Summary
Part of being an occupational therapist is advocating for ourselves, our clients, and our profession. We aim to be client-centered in our therapy and strive to be inclusive for people regardless of race, identity, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status. Statistics have shown that members of the LBGT+ community face challenges accessing and receiving appropriate healthcare.
Devlynn Neu, MS, OTR/L comes on the show today to discuss important facts, education, and considerations for therapists and clients within the LBGT+ community. He shares his experiences working as an openly gay man within the field of occupational therapy, including both the positive and challenges that he has faced throughout his experience as an OT. Devlynn embodies inclusion and advocacy in all that he does and constantly stands up for his clients, his profession, and this community as a whole.
Devlynn is also the creator of The Rainbow OT, a blog which serves to promote inclusion, foster representation, provide education, and encourage unity within healthcare for members of the LBGT+ community.
Show Notes
Sarah and Devlynn discuss:
- AOTA’s Vision 2025: “As an inclusive profession, OT maximizes health, well-being and quality of life for all people, populations, and communities, through effective solutions that facilitate participation in everyday living.
- Role of incorporating inclusion into the vision
- Respect for identity and use pronouns
- Overview and definition of the letters of LGBT+
- Importance of identify, pronouns, and personal aspects
- Incorporating identity into our client’s occupational profiles
- Important statistics involving the LGBT+ community and healthcare
- Positives and challenges he has faced as a gay therapist and working in healthcare
- Advice for therapists experiencing difficulty with their identity within their clinical role
- Devlvynn’s discussion with Taelormade OT on OTea Time:
- https://www.facebook.com/TaelorMadeOT/videos/648430935609510/
- @taelormadeot on Instagram
- Devlynn’s posts on Shannen Marie OT’s ABCs of OT:
- https://shannenmarieot.com/
- @shannenmarieot on Instagram
- ADL specific tasks for the LGBT+ community
- Importance of access to appropriate public restrooms
- Resources for therapists
- National Alliance for Mental Illness: https://www.nami.org
- The Trevor Project: https://www.thetrevorproject.org
- LGBT Health Edcuation: https://www.lgbthealtheducation.org
- Gay and Lesbian Medical Association’s Provider Directory: http://www.glma.org/
- Person Centered Care: https://www.healio.com/nursing/journals/jgn/2018-2-44-2/%7B4f46d2c3-4daf-4f4f-8950-70ea1093f985%7D/person-centered-care-for-lgbt-older-adults
- LGBTQ+ & OT: https://www.lgbtq-ot.com/
- Healthcare Disparities: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5478215/
- LGBTQ CCD: https://www.cdc.gov/lgbthealth/index.htm
- LGBTQ Task Force: https://www.thetaskforce.org/
Email: devlynnneu@gmail.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/therainbowot
Website: https://www.therainbowot.com