Episode Summary
A car crash left TaeJun (TJ) with an incomplete C4-C5 spinal cord injury and less than a 5% chance of ever walking again. But with support from his family and friends and his willingness to put in the work, TJ was determined to not let his injury hold him back.
In the show today, TJ Lee, COTA/L shares his journey from accident to recovery and how that led him to the field of occupational therapy. He reflects on how his experience has impacted him as a practitioner and has influenced him towards various interests within the field including working with fall prevention, pain and movement, assistive technology, ergonomics with video gamers, and working with a team of specialists in a healthcare collective to work with dancers.
Through his work as a certified occupational therapy assistant, advocating for disability awareness through his blog, and being an adaptive athlete who competes in obstacle course races throughout the country, TJ truly lives his life to the fullest, one day at a time and works to instill the same mindset for his clients.
Show Notes
Sarah and TJ discuss:
- His interest in obstacle course racing
- 9/13/2003- The day of his accident
- What his life looked like before
- The extend of his injuries from the accident and then once in the hospital
- The perspective of going through inpatient care
- Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center: http://dhs.lacounty.gov/wps/portal/dhs/rancho
- Coping with medical professionals, his family, and friends thinking that he might also have a brain injury
- Getting better one day at a time
- Why he preferred to go to physical therapy over occupational therapy
- Progression of his recovery, sensation, and movement
- His willingness to work and fail in order to make progress in therapy
- Spent about 5 months with little to no movement
- Overcoming the trauma and the injury
- Transitioning to going home
- Continuing his therapy and rehabilitation on his own
- His path into becoming a COTA/L
- How his accident and personal experience with therapy has influenced him as a therapist
- Finding a job with a disability
- Recognizing his physical limitations and using other ways to manage his treatment sessions
- His progression of interests in fall prevention, pain, kinesiotaping, movement, soft tissue, technology and apps, assistive technology, ergonomics of video gamers
- Importance of collaboration
- His healthcare collective
- @offset.med: https://www.instagram.com/offset.med/
- The Offset Podcast:
- His blog- One Day at a Time 365: http://www.onedayatatime365.org/
Connect with TJ:
Email: taejun.lee@gmail.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/teejaylee
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/taejunlee
Twitch: Twitch.tv/jeetsu